Sunday, November 19, 2023

Gratitude a Day, Part three

What about your body are you thankful for?
Other than simply the fact that it still is here, and had more than one opportunity to give up the ghost, I am very thankful for senses that can still process the sensations and most of all, because I love beauty and lights in the dark, my eyes. They need trifocals now and the skin around them sags and sometimes they are dry or baffle me with the private fireworks display of a visual migraine but they still bring me more joy than sadness. 
What knowledge are you most thankful for?

I’m so very grateful for the ability to read and for the long line of grownups teaching children to live books while teaching them that they are deserving of love by snuggling them close and exploring both ancient texts and the newest tales. Being able to “hear” the thoughts of our ancestors and speak to our future is an amazing thing. Foolish and wise and oh so magical and yet dangerous. There is power in the written word and wanna be dictators are wise to fear it. They can try to “other” people and make us fear and hate each other. But nothing is more unifying than sharing our dreams and hopes and stories. 


What piece of art are you most grateful for? 

It’s more a craft than a real art work, but over the years I have produced hundreds of these silhouettes inside a wreath of hands. My students were mostly preschool through first grade. These were my two year old and three year old the Christmas my Dad was in hospice. And again four years later. I sometimes see one hanging on a door or in a window here in town. I love knowing that years later some of them are still around. 


What touch are you most grateful for?

     There are so many types of touches and so many people who are starving for contact. The Covid era and social media haven’t helped ease the loneliness that many of us feel even when surrounded by other people. But I’m not sure I can choose just one to be most grateful for. The first touch between a mother and a child, the last touch on a hand clashed with a dying lived one. A firm hug that neither wants to break off before departing home. A delighted hug when surprised by someone who has been missed. The cool touch in a fevered brow, the comfort of the furry head of a beloved pet nuzzling against you when you are sad. There are so many loved ones, so many remembered moments and each was a precious gift. Wiping a tear, kissing and holding on. I’m grateful for those I have touched and been touched by. 

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