This summer has been pretty much the exact opposite of what I imagined that it would be. I was going to have lots of quiet mornings at the keyboard to work on writing my novels, while my husband taught summer school 4 days a week for 5 weeks. But of course the computer chose the last week of school to give up the ghost, and my son took on two jobs so, I ended up being grandmother for up to 16 hours a day, which is delightful, but not quiet or conducive to writing.
Newcastle, Wyoming Sunset |
Then the members of my husband's family got it together for the first time since 2010, to have a family re-union, and his parents are far, but both still there to celebrate 65 years of marriage. So we had to drive nearly 3,000 miles round trip in a car that lost its air-conditioning about 1/2 way through the trip. Also, I'm 52, and when I was 15 and learning to drive, I was really bad at stick shift. And my Mom's car was an automatic. My 3 year old brother, (With Down's Syndrome) would point at me and hold his hands like he was steering, and jerk and jump and refuse to get in my Dad's pick-up if I held the keys. So this summer, on the trip back, I insisted we take my husband's car, with standard transmission because I finally wanted to learn. And I did, but I used every cuss word you can imagine, multiple times.
Sylvan Lake, Black Hills |
Sunset on Granite Spires looks like fall leaves |
So we saw my niece who is 15, and had just returned from a Tucson Girl's Choir trip to China. She plays the Guitar and composes her own wonderful tunes and was only 10 the last time we saw each other.
Echo Canyon, Utah |
Magpie |
I love birds, but when I was a child in Wyoming, we were told to never shoot at anything alive, unless we planned to eat it, or unless it was that crop pest, the magpie. Now I regret the target practice they provided.
Moooo for the Granddaughter |
My Granddaughter loves cows, and animal sounds. The latest fascination is Dinosaurs.
Cow Watching at Sunset |
Darlingtonia |
Close to where I live there is the Darlingtonia trail. These knee high pitcher plants thrive in serpentine bogs, where almost no other plant can find enough nutrients to grow.
Darlingtonia (Cobra Lily) community |
Smoke and sunset |
The fires have been thick and my lungs hurt from it, but the sunsets are at times spectacular because of it.
Anyway, school starts before labor day this year, and the computer is up and running again, and I am hoping to get back into the routine of dreaming stories onto the keyboard. Hope you all have a wonderful Fall.
Ah! I've spent the last 5 years forgetting how to drive a stick. That was all we had when I learned to drive!